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Day 15 It’s been a tough day. I had a review again because apparently I wasn’t myself….. do they expect me to be bloody happy every day? I had to go therapy on a Thursday to go to a meeting at the clinic. What a waste of time really because
Cohort 4 goes international! This week Cohort 4 has been spreading its wings all the way to Malta! Beverley and I have had the privilege of being able to travel to Malta to deliver Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour-Based Violence (DASH 2009) Risk Checklist training to nearly 70 professionals working
Day 14 Now strange way to wake up, but I fell asleep on my sofa last night. So waking up aching all over.  I managed to wake up early today so I could make myself coffee. Happy days, a decent cup of coffee !! I’m standing outside by 9 o’clock
Day 13 what’s meant to be Day 18 Day 13 of therapy. I’ve been poorly, really ill with a flu thing so it should be day 18, but I’ve missed days feeling poorly. I’m here though, although I don’t agree with them not helping a recent patient that has been
Elbert Hubbard, American Author and Publisher is quoted as saying that it’s better to be a round peg in a square hole than a square peg in a square hole.  He goes on to explain that the latter is for life as you’ll presumably stay in that shape for your