DAY 3 – Mental Health Awareness Week – Kindness

Maria writes.

Firstly would like to thank my youngest for doing the painting today and her words – Love, Laugh and Live.  Today I decided to ask others who are close to me about acts of kindness, as follows:

“Don’t matter how down you get my door is open to you”

“My friend was sad so I talked to her and she said she felt better and that I am always kind”

“My children telling me they love me”

“Having a comment put on my facebook post after posting about our Safe and Well Project saying You are such a caring girl love you”

“When checking in on people I support them also asking how I am and to keep safe”

“My daughter and future son in law who never cook/bake made us brownies with a card saying love and miss you.  A colleague from work made some cookies with a note saying believe in yourself – both made me cry so kind”

“Don’t  know how you juggle work, home and family and you are bloody amazing at your job, you are such a caring person”


20th May 2020
