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Not going to lie, I seriously don’t want to go today. My own fault I know, but I’m hungover as hell, it’s 8 o’clock in the morning and 5 cups of coffee still doesn’t cut it. Sitting on my bed just wanting to collapse back into my pillow. I want
Day 4 of Therapy .. I hate the day already. Not in a good mood this morning. I know I got a phone call yesterday to be outside …. I was outside for half hour freezing my arse off !!! Don’t leave a woman waiting especially in the cold I
I woke up at 5 to 9 today, a whole 10 mins to get ready – no time for morning coffee today GUTTED. Took detour today, think we are picking someone else up today. I am a little anxious about that, but good old driver knows and keeps me at
Our Cohort 4 Woman attends community MH therapy sessions for 31 days. She outlines her experience of how this is helpful (or not for her)…. Day 2 of therapy, of what I call HELL 8:45 in the morning …… half hour go get ready I can do this… cup of coffee before
Coffee is vile and I’m not good at quizzes. This is not going to go well! 10.35. All I want to do is sleep. I’m the youngest here, everyone else is like in their late 20s. Sitting in a room full of people I don’t actually know does make your