I woke up at 5 to 9 today, a whole 10 mins to get ready – no time for morning coffee today GUTTED. Took detour today, think we are picking someone else up today. I am a little anxious about that, but good old driver knows and keeps me at bay with Christmas songs playing in the car. It gets me excited towards Crimbo.

Get here for 9:40, decided not to have coffee this morning, might do in a bit I’ll stick to water I think.
Really awful music playing in the background meh!  I had to do an anagram today, could I get it? no, a man got it instead.

Wow! talking about car boot sales and some man actually thought a car boot sale was a sale for boots for cars?

Wow! what is this world? I can’t cope? I think I need to go home

Decided to have coffee I think the coffee tastes alright today, surprisingly.
Someone is badly playing the guitar at 10:50 in the morning. Urgh I see a headache coming along.

5 to 11 and I want to scream!!! He’s still badly playing guitar, arghh get me out of here !!!  Get me to group !! Just get me to group stop the vile racket.

Finally group at 11 today it’s Life Skills – Time Management. It was alright actually, need to give myself more time to do things and more time for family and friends. I was actually given homework shock I swear I’m at therapy and not at school.

2 people fell asleep in group think they got bored.

12 pm lunch time. It’s time for soggy bread again, well that’s what I thought, instead I had a ham salad. Was much nicer when I added pepper – think they need to let me make lunch.  I’ve cleaned the little kitchen and where we sit hate mess, god people are so messy like how hard is it to put rubbish in the bin or wash a cup after yourself !!

Someone asked me if I wanted to go out for a fag with them I said no and he asked if I wanted to start smoking. iI I did he would roll me a fag… erm no thanks!  I think he likes me 2 days he’s done nothing but sit next to me urgh freaky !! 1 o clock. Lunch ends and a few people get called out for group hmmm like weird so now I’m stuck doing a quiz which I have no idea about as I wasn’t bloody born. How the hell do they expect me to know the answer about things back in like 1960s

I don’t understand why I have to be here in the afternoon ?….. it’s so boring and very unprodctive !!! Get me the hell out of here… anxiety & frustration.

2:05 Why am I even here !!! Literally I could fall asleep !! Get me out of here !! Like now all I can do is drink coffee and attempt to answer questions I have no idea on. Oh wait I’ve not said a word because I don’t know !!

OMG 2:10 I answered a question finally what did the fairy godmother turn the pumpkin into in Cinderella obviously a carriage !!

If you’re not depressed when you come here, you’re defo depressed when you come out !!

Some man is chatting to me giving me knowledge I really don’t need to know every time I move away he’s there OMG bugger off ! Go and annoy someone else.

2:28 nearly time to go home currently sat clock watching. I’ve made a really good friend since being here 3 days she’s such a lovely woman !!

2:49 I’m standing at the window waiting for my driver !!! Hurry up please I beg

5 past 3 and I’m having a coffee may as well as I’m still waiting tastes like cack, “eeew yuck,” I say.

3:20  literally I feel like I’m in prison !! I’m a patient Get me out of here

I hear my name then get told I’m the second run !!! It’s 25 past 3 I want to go home 3:46 and guess what I was meant to be picked up an hour ago !! May as well make a bed here in the relaxation room ?? Feels like I’m staying the night I’m really getting frustrated right now, had no one heard of time management because that’s what we learnt today !!!

4 o’clock time’s ticking, radio is going, the other person is playing guitar, may I say I didn’t know he was famous !! Last 2 here and we are both screaming to get out .

One of the staff members have come in saying he’ll give us the keys to the relaxation room, and we know where to make drinks and he’ll see us in the morning. I’m glad someone thinks it’s funny, nice one!

4:10 and I’m finally picked up well that’s day three of therapy !! Until day 4 everyone, this is me signing off.

A Cohort 4 Woman
