I attended the Canine HOPE session at Cohort 4 today given by Marie with Cody a rescue dog, whom I really wanted to take home with me.  It was brilliant I came away feeling uplifted and motivated.

There were so many hints and tips. We looked at life from a canine perspective which all makes sense after attending the course. The repetition of thoughts can make you stay in a cycle of negativity.  By changing my thoughts to positive ones with self- talk then I can change my feelings. It takes practice but it can be done. I do some of that but I need to be more consciously aware of my thoughts.

I also realised that I don’t reward myself enough when I achieve something.  There are so many things I love to do which I haven’t done for ages.  It doesn’t have to be a massive achievement just going to the gym or eating well.

We learnt about goal setting by being more specific and relevant. There was also a section on resilience and ways to become more resilient. I took notes on the course in a note book that was kindly given by Marie.

Cohort 4 are such a great organisation that helps women have access to these types of talks.  We have fun and do stuff to learn and improve our lives.  Every time I go to a Cohort 4 I feel so positive.  Everyone is non-judgemental and supportive which I have never really had in my past.

Thank you Marie and Cody for the Hope session, and thank you Cohort 4 for making such a massive change to my life.

